Psychokinesis Training Pdf

  1. Psychokinesis Training Pdf File
  2. Psychokinesis Training Pdf Examples
  3. Psychokinesis Training Pdf Definition
  4. Psychokinesis Training Pdf Template
  5. Telekinesis Training Pdf In Urdu
  • Telekinesis Training. Telekinesis is an ability that requires rigorous training to be mastered. As a beginner, there are several steps in your telekinesis training to position yourself for success in learning and mastery over the ability. 1) Meditation is the groundwork for all Psychic Powers.
  • Psychokinesis training for beginners pdf, Glencoe biology the dynamics of life online book, Telekinesis Training - Free download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt ) or read online for free. A beginners Guide to Learn Telekinesis.

Newbie Guide For Starting Psychokinesis Training for Beginners Many people from all around the world are living proof that regular people can develop Psychokinesis abilities from reading books and taking Psychokinesis courses.

  • 03.06.2019

telekinesis - Free Download PDF

Thank you for interesting in our services. We are a non-profit group that run this website to share documents. We need your help to maintenance this website. Please help us to share our service with your friends. Share Embed Donate. Introduction Telekinesis is the ability to move or bend objects with the power of the mind.
File Name: psychokinesis training for beginners
Published 03.06.2019

Best telekinesis exercise for beginners in hindi by rohit nain 2018

Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. All of us are already using these abilities, at least unconsciously, because our thoughts and emotions influence and interact with everything in our environment - our thoughts and emotions affect the energy that is at the core of everything. Your magicka will now be pretty much out. Best Answer: Telekinesis is now called Psychokinesis PK in the current scientific research literature. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind. We demonstrate and teach telekinesis for free. Telekinesis allows objects to be manipulated and maneuvered without touching them.

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Telekinesis Zone. So you still can't do it Hours of your hands stretched out till your fingers cramp up, with absolutely no movement.

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One of the main exercises when it comes to telekinesis is visualization Fetch Here. Get Doc. Return Doc. Concentration Exercise 1 - Learn Telekinesis Training Our concentration exercises help you to learn to develop pin point concentration to increase your telekinetic abilities many times over. Retrieve Here. Students ultimately, with all two to five minute sensitivity exercises, learn how to project a tangible

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Let’s be honest…….It would be really cool when you can move or bend things from a far without even touch them. Well, some people will see you as a freak you may be able to have your own TV Show. Psychokinesis or also known as telekinesis is the ability to use power of mind to control objects. The question is can you how to unlock telekinesis or it is just a kind of superpower of random people.

You don’t need to get struck by lighting or fall into magical poison pot to get the psychic power of psychokinesis. What most people don’t realize is that psychokinesis is more common that what we know and actually, anybody can learn psychokinesis, with a little training for beginners.

In this guide we’ll go in-depth to discuss everything you need to know about learning how to use psychokinesis.

How To Learn Psychokinesis

If you want to learn to develop your psychokinesis skills, contemplate to control your mind, and practice to visualize objects in your mind. It may take a long time, but practice will make you perfect. So have patience and keep working.

Here are the simple ways to learn psychokinesis as a beginner:

Psychokinesis Training Pdf File

Step 1: Focusing your Thoughts:


First of all, believe that psychokinesis is possible. You never get any result if you perform psychokinesis with a doubtful mind. Then sit in a calm position and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and focus on your feelings, as you control your breathing and imagine that every thinking is like a star in the sky.

Then Start your observation with a small object, and try to assign all of its features to your mind. Close your eyes and imagine it in your mind. Practice visualizing any objects with as much detail as possible. Be patient, and keep working.

Step 2: Use an Object:

Place an object in front of you and fully contemplate on the object. Think about the object’s details, and focus on the connection between you and the object. When you learn to visualize the object and control your thoughts, focus on the energy that attaches you with the outside world.
Imagine the restrictions between you and other objects fade out, and realize that you and the object are one system.

Step 3: Concentration:

Concentrate on how you want to move the object. Focus on whether you want to pull, push or spin it. Imagine the object in your mind and see it is moving as you wished-for. Focus on your goal and consider that you are linked with the object, so move it as you would move your body parts.

Step 4: Practice psychokinesis Exercises:

Practice on feel the energy that runs through your body. Warm-up the muscle of your arm for 10 or 15 seconds, then fully calm down your arm. Observe how it feel to formulate energy, control it, and discharge it. Use this feeling to process your ability to direct energy to an object. Then try to move it with your mind power.

Step 5: Spin a psi wheel:

Focus on a psi wheel, visualize it in your mind, and try to spin it with your mind influence.

Step 6: Practice controlling flame:

Place a candle in front of you, clear your mind, and let the flame fill up your mind. Concentrate on the flame and move it left or right with your mind power. Keep practice on 2 or 3 exercises per day to find your objective.

When was Psychokinesis Discovered ?

During the psychic movement of the middle to the late nineteenth century, Psychokinesis trend was apparently everywhere. Since the 1800s, many people claimed that the tables would move, the chalk would write and musical instruments would play tunes without touching them. These movements of objects were accredited to the spirits. Parapsychologists are inclined to analysis the movements of objects as originated from the physical living person, not spirits.

What Are The Types of Psychokinesis ?

The meaning Psychokinesis is divided into two categories, Macro-PK and Micro-PK. Macro-PK consist of visible actions like the movement of an object, it is about moving big objects in an observable way. Micro-PK refers to the exploitation of smaller objects and produced weak effects only obvious through statistical valuation. Micro-PK cannot be seen with eyes, For example, the outcome of a bet or playing cards. Most researchers and scientists have focused on Micro-PK as a more credible phenomenon.

Is Psychokinesis Real ?

Moving or controlling objects with mental power is an interesting ability. However, there is no scientific evidence that confirms the existence of psychokinesis ability. But many American and other people across the world suppose that the psychokinesis does exist.

How is psychokinesis used ?

There are many ideas highlight the theory behind psychoanalysis. Firstly, there are three senses be present within every person, the identity, ego, and superego. These three components form up the structural model of a personality. Psychoanalysis therapy helps to improve the critical stress that occurs between these three functions. The patient must have to expose their hidden thoughts and emotions to balance these three mental functions.

In a session, patients try to speak everything comes to his mind, belief, feeling, dreams and memories. For this confidential communication, patients sit in a position face to face the therapist and some time lies on a couch while the therapist sits behind the patient to avoid eye contact. So, as the trust develops, signs to the patient’s mysterious and hidden world begin to come out, and his relationship outline and avoidances become detectable to the therapist.

Is Psychokinesis effective?

Many people consider psychoanalysis therapy is a long term treatment, the patient often meets with their therapist at least once a week and can linger in treatment for a number of years.
Even, the regular session makes possible the progress of insight about patterns of thinking and actions, and the way that effects anyone in terms of their emotional condition as well as a relationship with family, friends, and community.

Learn More About :How to control someone’s mind

Psychokinesis Training Pdf Examples

How to Gain Psychokinesis Abilities

It’s all about mind power and you need to focus on your mind. The most important thing is being able to focus and eliminating any deviation in your mind. Meditation can be a good training to how to unlock telekinesis. When you are able to focus and control your mind, you can begin to learn projecting the mind power to certain object with your psychokinesis abilities . There are books, online articles, and videos on step by step psychokinesis you can choose to guide your training.

Best Skills to Develop For Psychokinesis :

Step one :Focus your energy on making a Psi ball

Psi ball are a small space comprised with pressurized energy. Practicing this is very similar to the one explained above.

The steps are:

Think of how your KI is collected in the palms of your hands and bring it to the shape of a ball.

  • Rapidity move your hands while tightening the grips of the energy the ball.
  • Feel for the pulse of Psy ball that follows while continuing to breathe.
  • Release the Psi Ball

Visualization :

One thing you should focus on doing is getting an object without describing it with words. This is more commonly known as meditation, while meditating on the emptiness centered around you.

  • Once you have developed your mind to focus all necessary attention with your psychokinesis abilities to one object, and you can then start to view it immediately, it does not mean that the object is described, but It will explain two extremes of visualization in the following way.
  • You should be able to take one object and focus on it for at least 5- 10 minutes without thinking.
  • Shut your eyes and imagine any object. The central focus is to setup a connection in less than a minute and then to view the object in your through your vision for at least 10 minutes.
  • End the visualization by re-focusing your attention to your body. Take a deep breathe and exhale deeply several times and then open your eyes.


To achieve psychokinesis it doesn’t only require using energy. You should also need a strong and concentrated mind to guide energy. The stronger your concentration is, the stronger is the effect of psychokinesis abilities.

There are many ways to practice concentration. Meditation is best for this due to the fact it gives additional positive effects, such as wellness, & spiritual finding.

Concentration on one point:

  • To develop this psychokinesis ability you would need to focus only on one point. Once you master this first step, then take a sheet of notebook paper and write your thoughts.
  • Start focusing on how long you can keep your concentration.
  • Most novices should be able to focus their energy for at least 20 minutes before proceeding further.
  • Always remember that patience is key, because this skill may take you several weeks to obtain.

Learn More About: How to control someone’s mind

Why Learning Psychokinesis is Important?

Unlocking telekinesis will help you to improve your concentration and focus, the things that everyone needs in all types of work. By embracing positive thoughts, you will be full of motivation and eager to left negative thoughts behind. Meditation is also important step to how to unlock telekinesis and this allow you to get deeper into yourself, promoting mindfulness, and self-acceptance. That’s the reason why psychokinesis is important and in case you are successfully able to control objects with your mind, that’s an added bonus..

Psychokinesis Training Pdf Definition

How to Activate Psychokinesis?

Activating the pineal gland is crucial on how to activate psychokinesis. Activating this gland, will unleash the hidden psychic power thus it is often said as opening the third eye. Meditating and learn self-awareness is among the keys to activate pineal gland. Another important thing is decalcifying pineal gland. It requires us to change our lifestyle and more discipline in terms of daily diet. Minimize fluoride, GMO food, chemical preservatives, and processed food. For more detailed steps, find a book or video for decalcifying pineal gland guide.

Best Skills To Practice Your Psychokinesis?

Psychokinesis is derived from the Greek word ‘Psyche’, which means life, breath, and soul. Kinesis means to move about. Psychokinesis is also known as telekinesis, has been recognized since primitive times. It is an art of using mind over objects. We all have the capability to set our mind over objects.

Psychokinesis Training Pdf Template


When trying to learn this mysterious skill, one essential to know how it works. Everything in the outer world and within us is produced of energy. When we think about something, our thoughts direct our inner energy as a result. So, logically, if you attempt to focus on your thoughts towards raising a plastic cup out of your table, with practice your mind power should be able you to take action.

Consideration is the perfect tool to learn this skill. Firstly, save some time daily to start instructing your mind to focus on thoughts. Start practice to clear your mind of all feelings, or try to concentrate on one matter. Practice meditating daily for thirty minutes, and keep on one type of practice for minimum one week.

Here are some ways to Practice Psychokinesis:

  1. Use a candle as your focal point. Wipeout every thought from your mind, and just concentrate on the candle’s flame. When you are able to control your mind, practice to direct the movement of flickers.
  2. Hang a pendulum in front of you, and focus on the movement of a pendulum. After that attempt to control the movement of the pendulum with your mind energy.
  3. Look for online psychokinesis training websites, where you can practice to learn the skill.
Telekinesis training pdf

Practice different psychokinesis exercises daily with an identical object until it moves. Always start with a big object, concentrate the object’s features, and put it in your mind. It is the power of your mind which will help to control the object.

How To Control Psychokinesis?

Choosing to be Psychokinesis is the ability of a man to use psyche influence over objects at the macro-scale or micro-scale. Many people claimed to have some of the abilities include moving or modifying different objects, bending spoons and stopping watches, etc. In the past, psychokinesis experiments were criticized for the lack of constant results and proper evidence. But it is believed that the skill of controlling things can be achieved.

Understanding Energy :

All the things and human beings have their own energy. If you want to inflict your energy over any object, You have to connect with it. Some people build a ball of energy with their hands and use the energy to move the object. If you are going to use an energy ball, do not release the energy forcefully. Visualize that the object is your part and you both are in a system. Consequently, you will be able to move the object like your body parts.

Training Your Way of Thinking:

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One of the challenges with psychokinesis training is that people drop focus quickly. While they practice concentrating on the object, other thoughts may trip their mind. If the focus is lost, you will have to start again, because if you are concentrating on other things and thoughts, you will never become successful. Practice meditative state to clear your mind from unsystematic thoughts.
If you feel your concentration is going down, stop trying. Before you put away everything, you should measure your attempt and note the date, object, start and end time. It will help you to know where you are working from on your next attempt.


As you go on with your practice day by day, adding a little more time regularly. Do not be aggressive during practice, and keep working to be experienced in this art. When you are going to achieve your goal of moving a small object, start on practicing big objects or multiple objects. Do not use your power for bad effects, determine to use it in good ways.


Psychokinesis is a psychic ability to move or control different objects with mental power and can be learned with practice as a beginner. Psychokinesis referred to the mental power of physical system over matters, without the exploit of physical energy. Psychokinesis includes spirits, metal bending, hunt, and ghosts, or controlling electronic systems.

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