Download Patch The Sims 4

Your mods will be automatically disabled. Please do make sure they are redeemed safe by the creator before enabling mods again. Please also backup your save games. Please also read this post carefully: In Preparation for patching
  1. EDIT: So it seems like repairing the game is helping with the loading issue in most cases. (In Origin under the play button, click the Settings icon, then Repair.) I am still experiencing some glitches when sims call to invite to hang out at another lot, but hopefully they patch that soon too. Happy my save file is finally able to load again!
  2. The Sims 4 delivers its patches via Origin. Patches and updates for The Sims 4 are set to download and install automatically, but this behavior can be disabled. However, when a new patch is released, online features will be unavailable until it is patched to the latest version.

There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin. If you have auto updates enabled in “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library. Sep 10, 2014 - The Sims 4 Origins update patch Crash FIX nosTEAM. Total size: 255.67 Mb Seeds 2 Leechs 0. Download Torrent. I updated my Sims 4 to version 1.4.xxxxx and it's working perfectly, I just want to. View the gallery and download from it? Or it won't work and the game will crash? The Sims Deluxe Edition Patch. The Sims Deluxe Edition patch includes a number of fixes to enhance your gameplay. Memory leaks and game stability improved! The Sims Deluxe Edition patch will fix the following issues: Many memory leaks have been fixed. This will alleviate game stability problems when playing the game for an extended number of hours. Download, discuss or get help for the Sims 4 sex mod, WickedWhims by TURBODRIVER.

Today’s patch isn’t that huge but it has some important fixes such as the Whims not fulfilling, Actor Prep Task resetting and the high bills in the dorms. They also took another go at the Mud/Soaks in shower/tubs. Hopefully that is fixed without side effects now.

Complete changes below.


Source: EA

Hey Simmers,We know that times are a bit weird right now, but we’re keeping things as normal as possible over here so we have a few fixes for you all.

Thanks for your continued support, we hope that you all are staying home and staying safe out there.

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  • Improved compatibility with newer macOS releases, refer to FAQ for more details here: The Sims™ 4: macOS Notarization FAQ
  • Made some small visual and functional improvements to the Main Menu.
  • Custom paintings on nearby lots that are taken a picture of from your active lot will now properly flag your lot as custom content when uploading it to the Gallery.
    • So sneaky!
  • We addressed an issue resulting in a “Conflicting Block Cluster” error message that could occur while building, preventing you from being able to draw or move walls.
  • Non-active traited Sims will no longer get the “Not Enough Exercise” tense moodlet.
  • Stair railings will no longer appear incomplete when placed against a half-wall.
  • Whims are once again able to be completed after Travel.
    • Whims are things your Sims want to do, but you don’t have to.
  • You can now safely raise or lower the foundation of The Nookstone lot in Oasis Springs – walls, floors, and furniture will no longer disappear.
  • The Tutorial will no longer lock if your Sim is promoted before you are given the “You Need to Gain Skill to be Promoted” task.
  • Fixed a graphic issue that could occur on Mac with some Intel graphics cards that caused plants in Windenburg to appear blocky when in Laptop Mode.
    • So if you are on a Mac, with an intel graphics card, and you are in laptop mode, and you are playing in Windenburg… we got you covered.
  • Bulldozing 888 Spire Apartment lots should no longer result in error code 123:28b6ee3b.
    • We hope it does not result in error code: 123:456789abcde
      • We are fairly certain it should not result in error code: 8675-309
        • And under no circumstance should error code 42 occur.
  • Sims should no longer get the “Chilled” buff when the thermostat is set to warmer.
    • Unless you have a heater that turns on and off repeatedly due to a bad switch in the system, and then when it decides to fail completely, it just ignores input for about 3 hours, and then when you wake up in the morning you have to carry a heavy blanket with you… ah hm… nm.
  • The male veterinarian coat now has a properly visible ID badge.
  • Actor prep tasks will no longer reset on traveling.
    • This is the second travel issue in the game… was it trying to tell us something?
  • Beaches are available for weddings.
  • Sims living in dorms should no longer receive high bills to live there.
  • The “Take bath with Soaks” and “Take Mud Bath” interactions are once again, once again available on Showertubs.
    • This time we won’t have to remove the fix because of… crosses fingers.
  • Child sims will no longer get a flirty buff after eating Flutterberry.
  • Magical Clones will no longer become permanent Sims after traveling.
  • Sims can once again resume writing books when their familiars are active.
  • Tiny Home Residential lots added to vacation worlds via The Gallery will now properly convert into rental lots.

There’s a new Sims 4 patch out today for both the PC and console versions of the game. Don’t forget to disable and update your mods before running the game again.

Update 10/06/2020
PC: / Mac:
Console: Version 1.32


We are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with some new base game content inspired by the vibrant Hispanic cultures around the globe. Sit back with your Sim family and enjoy a lovely barbecue featuring flavors from Mexico, Argentina, Dominican Republic, and more! You’ll be able to deck out your backyard with a colorfully painted dining set, decorative pots, murals, a new grill, and please don’t forget about the bougainvillea-clad pergola to provide some shade for your Sims.

We’ve also partnered with renowned Chicano artist Mister Cartoon to bring you some Create A Sim content in his distinctive style. He recreated your favorite Freezer Bunny with a sassier look but also gave us a beautiful butterfly design that represents peaceful migration. Look out for tops in feminine and masculine styles for children and adults. Also, we couldn’t partner with a tattoo artist and NOT give you a tattoo, so check that out too! You can also read more about our Hispanic Heritage Month update here.

In addition, you can read about the work we are doing to address skin tone improvements here. The first steps of which are part of this release – we did a thorough investigation of our skin tone pipeline (how it gets from artist to player), to identify where we can improve our process. For this release, we found that the skin detail layer compression was one of our primary culprits for the blotchy artifacts and ashy appearance of darker skin tones. We have uncompressed those textures by default. That work, along with the option to uncompress Sim textures will result in better visuals for your Sims in game. The linked blog will provide further details on those options.

We have also updated the look for two of our base game hairstyles. Those specifically being yfHair_LongBraidedPulledBack and ymHair_AfroMedium. As stated in the blog, this is not the end of these improvements, but only the first steps. Expect more from us, and of us.

-SimGuruGnome, SimGuruDana, and SimGuruRusskii

Now onto the fixes:

Sims 4

  • Fixed an issue in which external garbage cans were constantly being filled up when not having Eco Lifestyle installed. It is a good thing to be conscious of our overall everyday waste footprint but there is something to be said about too much trash that is… seemingly uninvited.
  • Sims will now use the dining table to eat again. Sometimes if I’m in a hurry, I grab a meal on the go and don’t sit down to eat, but sometimes you need to sit down and enjoy a nice meal, you know?
  • You pay your new bills, all the new bills, keep track of all the bills. We think you can do it. So, hope you like this update too as we have adjusted Lot Taxes to be more appropriate per Lot.
  • Fixed an issue in which the message “Not Expanded to Ops” would appear while in Build Mode and would hinder gameplay. If this is the behavior with “Not Expanded to Ops” I don’t want to see what “Expanded to Ops” looks like, unless it is a good thing, but let’s not get carried away.
  • Had a good talk with Sims that had neglected their duties with their Toddlers. They can go back to Potty Training and Read to Sleep to their little angels.
  • Fixed an issue in which Favorited Items in inventory were being reset when editing Lots through Manage Worlds.
  • Sims that were transferred to other Households will no longer reset any Household settings like Bed Assignments. Reading about this issue and trying to imagine it, brought me to this:

<insert dramatic music>
“What do you want?”
“It’s not that simple!”
“But… <sigh> What.Do.You.Want?!”
“Just because you moved out, and you are suddenly back in our lives doesn’t mean you can disrupt everything ok? I had my bed, with MY NAME ON IT!”
<end dramatic music>

  • A new foe has appeared! A challenger approaches! Error 124:2951a73 enters the fray… and is properly squashed. Good luck next time Error 124:2951a73… Well, don’t come back so… farewell!
  • The Lin-Z Smart Speaker has been updated to now play the Focus and Metal stations.

Island Living

  • Fixed an issue in which all non-decorative rocks disappeared after traveling from different Lots. Was it the work of impostor rocks? Igneous looks especially shifty. Sus.

Discover University

  • Fixed an issue with the ICYA Chest in which it appeared locked after Sims moved from one Household to another. My precious! Mine!

Eco Lifestyle

The Sims 4 Patch 1.66 Download

  • Fixed an issue that reset Bits and Pieces when Sims moved to other Households. No uh, if you move, move but leave my Bits and Pieces within my Household thank you very much.
  • The Community Voting Board is no longer listed as a DEBUG item, no longer has a defective thumbnail, and can be placed within the Lot.
  • Civil Designer Sims can now complete Work from Home Assignments.
  • We have rebuilt the Store No More Home Fabricator so that it doesn’t break at least once a day. All returns are subject to warranty inspection, no Simoleons were harmed in this endeavor.
  • We spent some time tasting… I mean… monitoring yes, Sims’ behavior in regards to Cooking and Baking Cakes pretty much non stop. We managed to correct said behavior, but hopefully, we won’t lose access to the delicious goods.

Outdoor Retreat

  • Fixed a routing issue that prevented Sims from extinguishing engulfed Sims that are sitting by the Campfire. Gives a whole new meaning to “Warming up by the fire.”

Dine Out

  • Fixed an issue with Restaurant Menus that made them appear blank or corrupted. Blind tasting menus in real life are a thing, but I don’t think that is what this issue wanted to convey.

Fitness Stuff

The Sims 4 Patch 1.54 Download

  • We have added the Focus and Metal station as an option for Earbuds. Have you claimed your free Earbuds yet?

Tiny Living

Download The Sims 4 Patch 1.65

  • The Media Marathoner All-on-the-Wall, and the Media Marathoner now have the option so Sims can perform Air Guitar. Yearrrrgggg.

Download Patch The Sims 4 Free


Download The Sims 4 Patch

  • Fixed an issue with keys [Q] and [E] when used with the Tripod, now those keys should move the camera up and down freely. Strike a pose!

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