Dnd 5e Dmg Pg 128

  • Dungeon Master’s Guide. Preparing the Adventure Before you show up to run a D&D Adventurers League adventure for a group of players, you should do the following to prepare. Make sure to have a copy of the D&D Basic Rules or the Player’s Handbook. Read through the adventure, taking notes of anything you’d like to highlight or remind.
  • The firearm gains the Burst Fire property (DMG, pg. Firearm must have the Expanded Magazine modification. Choose a light one-handed melee weapon. The chosen weapon is integrated into the firearm and is usable as long as the firearm is being used.

(The Dungeon Master’s Guide has rules to determine whether the group gets lost.) Draw a Map. The character can draw a map that records the group’s progress and helps the characters get back on course if they get lost.

Dnd 5e Dmg Pg 128 Gb

Dnd 5e Dmg Pg 128

To the best of my knowledge, the table below contains all the official subclasses for fifth edition dungeons and dragons (as of May 24, 2020). There are several Unearthed Acana (UA) subclasses, buy I have not included these because UA is not considered official fifth edition content.

Dnd 5e Dmg Pg 128 Series

These are the books where the subclasses can be found.


Eberron Rising from the Last War (ERftLW), Explorer’s Guide to Wildmount(EGtW), Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica (GGtR), Player’s Handbook (PHB), Sword Coast Adventure’s Guide (SCAG) and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGtE)

AlchemistERftLW (p. 58)
ArtilleristERftLW (p. 59)
Battle SmithERftLW (p. 60)
Path of the Ancestral GuardianXGtE (p. 9)
Path of the BattleragerSCAG (p. 121)
Path of the BerserkerPHB (p. 49)
Path of the Storm HeraldXGtE (p. 10)
Path of the Totem Warrior – BearPHB (p. 50)
Path of the Totem Warrior – EaglePHB (p. 50)
Path of the Totem Warrior – ElkSCAG (p. 122)
Path of the Totem Warrior – TigerSCAG (p. 122)
Path of the Totem Warrior – WolfPHB (p. 50)
Path of the ZealotXGtE (p. 11)
College of GlamourXGtE (p. 14)
College of LorePHB (p. 54)
College of SwordsXGtE (p. 15)
College of ValorPHB (p. 55)
College of WhispersXGtE (p. 16)
Arcana DomainSCAG (p. 125)
Death DomainDMG (p. 96)
Forge DomainXGtE (p. 18)
Grave DomainXGtE (p. 19)
Knowledge DomainPHB (p. 59)
Life DomainPHB (p. 60)
Light DomainPHB (p. 60)
Nature DomainPHB (p. 61)
Order DomainGGtR (p. 25)
Tempest DomainPHB (p. 62)
Trickery DomainPHB (p. 62)
War DomainPHB (p. 63)
Circle of DreamsXGtE (p. 22)
Circle of the LandPHB (p. 68)
Circle of the MoonPHB (p. 69)
Circle of the ShepherdXGtE (p. 23)
Circle of SporesGGtR (p. 26)
Arcane ArcherXGtE (p. 28)
Battle MasterPHB (p. 73)
CavalierXGtE (p. 30)
ChampionPHB (p. 72)
Echo KnightEGtW (p. 183)
Eldrich KnightPHB (p. 74)
Purple Dragon KnightSCAG (p. 128)
SamuraiXGtE (p. 31)
Way of the Drunken MasterXGtE (p. 33)
Way of the Four ElementsPHB (p. 80)
Way of the KenseiXGtE (p. 34)
Way of the Long DeathSCAG (p. 130)
Way of the Open HandPHB (p. 79)
Way of the ShadowPHB (p. 80)
Way of the Sun SoulXGtE (p. 35)
SCAG (p. 131)
Oath of the AncientsPHB (p. 60)
Oath of ConquestXGtE (p. 37)
Oath of the CrownSCAG (p. 132)
Oath of DevotionPHB (p. 85)
Oath of the OathbreakerDMG (p. 97)
Oath of RedemptionXGtE (p. 38)
Oath of VengencePHB (p. 87)
Beast MasterPHB (p. 93)
Gloom StalkerXGtE (p. 41)
Horizon WalkerXGtE (p. 42)
HunterPHB (p. 93)
Monster SlayerXGtE (p. 43)
Arcane TricksterPHB (p. 97)
AssassinPHB (p. 97)
InquisitiveXGtE (p. 45)
MastermindXGtE (p. 46)
SCAG (p. 135)
ScoutXGtE (p. 47)
SwashbucklerXGtE (p. 47)
SCAG (p. 135)
ThiefPHB (p. 97)
Divine SoulXGtE (p. 50)
Draconic BloodlinePHB (p. 102)
Shadow SorceryXGtE (p. 50)
Storm SorceryXGtE (p. 51)
SCAG (p. 137)
Wild MagicPHB (p. 103)
The ArchfeyPHB (p. 108)
The CelestialXGtE (p. 54)
The FiendPHB (p. 109)
The Great Old onePHB (p. 109)
The HexbladeXGtE (p. 55)
The UndyingSCAG (p. 139)
School of AbjurationPHB (p. 115)
School of BladesingingSCAG (p. 141)
School of Chronurgy MagicEGtW (p. 184)
School of ConjurationPHB (p. 116)
School of DivinationPHB (p. 116)
School of EnchantmentPHB (p. 117)
School of EvocationPHB (p. 117)
School of Graviturgy MagicEGtW (p. 185)
School of IllusionPHB (p. 118)
School of NecromancyPHB (p. 118)
School of TransmutationPHB (p. 119)
School of War MagicXGtE (p. 59)

Some official books also contain re-skins. These aren’t new subclasses but present some different options for some official subclasses. (Thank you to Matt Paluch).

New SubclassReskin of
College of Fochlucan (SCAG p.123)College of Lore (PHB)
College of New Olamn (SCAG p.123)College of Lore (PHB)
College of the Herald (SCAG p.124)College of Lore (PHB)
The Circle of Swords (SCAG p.127)Circle of Moon (PHB)
Circle of Land – Forest (PHB)
The Moonshea Circles (SCAG p. 127)Circle of Land – Coast, Forest, or Mountain (PHB)
Order of the Dark Moon SCAG (p. 129)Way of Shadow (PHB)
Order of the Hin Fist (SCAG p. 129)Way of the Open Hand (PHB)
Order of the Yellow Rose (SCAG p. 129)Way of the Open Hand (PHB)
Order of the Companion (SCAG p. 132)Oath of Crown (SCAG)
Oath of Devotion (PHB)
Order of the Gilded Eye (SCAG p. 132)Oath of Devotion (PHB)
Oath of Vengeance (PHB)
Order of Samular (SCAG p. 132)Oath of the Crown (SCAG)
Any Class
Izzet League member (GGtR p.66)Any PC with a Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature has access to League-only spells.

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